Friday, September 5, 2008

silly texting

I think that texting is the best thing that happened to cell phones. It helps to lower daytime mins. that are being used. And you also dont just have to buy a certain amount, you can buy unlimited for one price. Texting is still only to get simple conversations. Most people dont want to type to many pages of text if you really want to get your point across. you have to be on the phone verbally talking to somebody just in case they don't understand what you are talking about.Another good thing about texting is that you dont have to say the full words you can ake up slang words or you can put letters, and numbers together to sound like a word. For example: Somebody might write. "Go str8 2 the building" or "lol". My point is that texting is making the people in the united states more and moe lazy.

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